Fly Tying 1 min read
[Video] How to Tie the Griffith’s Gnat Emerger

Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions ties a variant of Craig Mathew’s Griffith’s Gnat Emerger. Craig Mathews of Blue Ribbon Flies in West Yellowstone, Montana combined the original Griffith’s Gnat pattern with his own Zelon Emerger to create the Griffith’s Gnat Emerger.
According to Mathews, the hybrid pattern works great on fish seeking individual midges and actually works as an imitation of almost any small insect.
Griffith’s Gnat Emerger Recipe
- Hook: Dai-Riki #125, size 20
- Thread: Light olive, 8/0 or 70-denier
- Trailing shuck: Golden brown Antron yarn
- Hackle: Grizzly saddle hackle, slightly undersize
- Thorax: Peacock herl
- Head: Tying thread