Fly Tying 1 min read

[Video] Swissflies: Black Dry Fly Midge

Ken Sperry

Posted by Ken Sperry

December 27, 2013

In the fine Swiss tradition, master fly tier Markus Greif of Swissflies brings us a Black Dry Fly Midge that highlights the use of CDC (Cul de Canard), the miracle feather.

(The audio is in German but since fly tying is a universal language it doesn’t really matter!)

Black Dry Fly Midge Material List

Hook: Dry fly, 18-24
Body: Black Silk
Wing: Swiss Wild Duck CDC
Thorax: Peacock herl
Visual aid: CDC Fluo color of choice

About Swissflies

Swissflies is a group of 18 fly tiers with interest in Swiss historical flies and fly fishing tradition. Swissflies is a non-profit company that sells their own high quality Swiss made flies, most genuine CDC made like the historic patterns. Also available at Swissflies are original flies from famous Swiss Fly Makers such as the last existing flies made from Joset and Veya, the inventors of the first CDC flies ever made.

Swissflies also has available high quality fly tying materials like Swiss CDC feathers, traditional colored natural swiss straw, Swiss natural hair dubbing (Alpaca and Hare) and other fly tying products from Switzerland.
