Fly Tying 1 min read

Hydro Caddis Larva by Rich Strolis

Ken Sperry

Posted by Ken Sperry

December 7, 2012

Another great looking caddis larva pattern by Rich Strolis.

Gotta Have the Goo!

What really makes this streamlined weighted caddis larva pattern pop is the Clear Cure Goo Hydro top coat. In addition to making flies nearly indestructible, the “Goo” really makes the colors in this Czech-style nymph jump out and sparkle. Like most of the nymphs that Rich ties, the Hydro Larva is pretty simple. Tie a few up and give them a try – I know I will!

Hydro Caddis Larva Material List

Hook: Dohiku Grub Hook or similar barbless scud hook, size 8-14
Thread: UTC 140 Olive
Underbody: Flat Lead Tape
Body: Sybai Pearl Braidback Green or Flat Diamond Braid
Back: Olive Brown Shrimp Foil
Rib: Fine Black Wire
Legs: Hare’s Ice Dub, Black
Top Coat: Clear Cure Goo Hydro
