Fly Tying 1 min read

[Video] Irish Wet Fly Rebel (Variant) by Davie McPhail

Ken Sperry

Posted by Ken Sperry

February 28, 2011

Davie McPhail demonstrates how to tie a variant of the classic Irish wet fly, the Rebel, in this fly tying video.

Rebel Variant Material List

Hook: Kamasan B175, size 10
Thread: Uni-Thread, 8/0 black
Tail: Glo Bright Floss, purple (No. 15)
Counter Rib: Fine wire, silver
Rib: Uni-Mylar #14 (medium), Pearl
Body: Seals fur, dyed claret
Body Hackle: Saddle hackle, black
Hackle: Partridge, brown
Throat: Mallard feather, bronze
Wing: Mallard feather, bronze
Legs: Pheasant tail, knotted, dyed black
Collar: Tinsel, gold
