Fly Tying 1 min read

[Video] How to Tie a Slate Drake Emerger

Ken Sperry

Posted by Ken Sperry

June 26, 2012

Matt Grobert, blogger and author of Fly Fishing New Jersey Trout Streams demonstrates how to tie a Slate Drake (aka, Isonychia) emerger in this fly tying video produced by Tightline Productions.

The Slate Drake is an important mayfly hatch, particularly in the Eastern US, with an emergence that can run from May through September.

Slate Drake Emerger Material List

Hook: Dai-Riki #125, Size 12
Thread: Danville 6/0, Olive
Trailing Shuck: Z-lon, Brown
Body: Dry Fly Dubbing, Isonychia
Wing: Comparadun Hair, Dun
