Fly Tying 1 min read

[Video] Cased Caddis by Rich Strolis

Ken Sperry

Posted by Ken Sperry

February 27, 2011

Rich Strolis demonstrates how to tie Case Closed, a cased caddis pattern that works wonders in the spring on freestone rivers such as Rich’s home stream, the Farmington River in Connecticut. This pattern will do the trick on any river where caddisflies are abundant. A great pattern that only uses 3 materials and is featured in Caddisflies: A Guide to Eastern Species by Thomas Ames.

Cased Close Material List

Hook: TMC 5263, size 8-18
Bead: Copper
Thread: UTC 70-140
Body: Crystal Flash Chenille
Collar: Antron Dubbing
Legs: Centipede Legs
