Fly Tying 1 min read

[Video] How to Tie Zonker Fly by Rich Strolis

Connecticut-based guide and professional fly tier, Rich Strolis demonstrates how to tie a Zonker fly pattern in this fly tying video tutorial.

Ken Sperry

Posted by Ken Sperry

September 19, 2009

To help grow our collection of fly tying videos we’ll be featuring a new fly tying video every Friday night. Why Friday night? Well, I figured if you are looking to do some tying this weekend it might be nice to a have a new pattern to try out. Right? It is also a good time for me to write as the kids are in bed and I don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow!

Zonker Flies – Big Fish

This week’s pattern come to us from Rich Stolis who ties some meaty flies and has a reputation for catching big trout, especially at night. Big fish like a good meal and this Zonker fly pattern fits the bill. Rich meticulously takes us through constructing this highly effective inverted streamer pattern and includes a neat little trick to get those darn eyes to stay on right.

Enjoy tying a few of these this weekend and be sure to check out our Fly Tying Video Gallery if you need a few more ideas!