Fly Tying 1 min read
[Video] How to Tie an American Pheasant Tail Nymph

Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions whips up an American Pheasant Tail Nymph in this fly tying video tutorial.
Tim’s Tying Tips
As usual, Tim offers up some great yet subtle fly tying tips that help making tying this pattern easier. His technique of using the copper wire to change the direction of the tying thread (at the 2:40 minute mark of the video) so both the counter wrapped wire and thread end up going in the same direction is pretty slick. Watch that tip twice!
American Pheasant Tail Nymph Material List
Hook: Daiichi 730 (2X-long nymph hook), sizes 12-20
Thread: Fly Master 6/0, brown
Rib: Ultra Wire, copper, small
Tail and abdomen: Pheasant tail fibers, dark brown
Legs and wingcase: Pheasant tail fibers, dark brown
Thorax: Peacock herl