Fly Tying 1 min read
[Video] Tying the BUB Fly – A Tribute to Chuck Tryon

In remembrance of Chuck Tryon who passed away this week, tonight’s fly tying video features Chuck’s BUB Fly tied by Louis Runnalls.
The Universal BUB Fly
The “Big Ugly Black (BUB) Fly” is one of those patterns that has a universal appeal to all sorts of fish from bass to panfish to trout. Originally tied in black, numerous variations of the BUB fly have since proliferated and they all work well.
About Chuck Tryon
I did not know Chuck, but a tribute written by Gary Soucie portrayed a man I would have enjoyed knowing. A wildland hydrologist for the U.S. Forest Service, founder of Ozark Fly Fishers, author of numerous fly tying and fly fishing books, and by many accounts a great friend. Chuck will be missed.
Rest in peace Chuck. My boys and I will tie up a few BUB flies this weekend in your honor.