Fly Tying 1 min read
[Video] Tying a PMD Sparkle Dun

Continuing our mini-series on Pale Morning Dun fly patterns, our Friday Night Tying Video features the PMD Sparkle Dun developed by Craig Mathews of Blue Ribbon Flies.
Tips on Tying PMD Sparkle Dun
As Craig points out in the video, selecting the proper deer hair is critical to tying this pattern properly. The short deer hair fiber with black tips that Craig describes comes from the leg of the deer and is commonly known as Comparadun hair. Comparadun hair is solid rather than hollow making it finer and easier to tie in.
Material List
Hook: TMC 100 #16-20
Thread: Danville Yellow 6/0
Body: PMD Superfine dubbing
Wing: Natural Comparadun Deer Hair
Tail: Ginger Z-lon