Fly Tying 1 min read
[Video] Denny Rickards’ Seal Bugger by Caddis Fly Shop
Barrett Christiansen demonstrates how to tie a variant of Denny Rickards Seal Bugger in this fly tying video tutorial.

Barrett Christiansen of Caddis Fly Shop demonstrates how to tie a version of Denny Rickards Seal Bugger. The Seal Bugger is one of Denny Rickards stillwater “suggestive patterns” he details in Fly-Fishing Stillwaters for Trophy Trout and is a great searching pattern.
The Seal Bugger can be fished with a floating line or a variety of sinking lines to imitate many critters that are found in lakes and ponds such as leeches, and dragon fly or damsel fly nymphs.
Seal Bugger Material List
Hook: TMC 5262, size 6
Thread: Uni-Thread 6/0, Black
Lead: Round Lead Wire, 0.025″
Body: STS Trilobal Antron, Bloody Leach
Hackle: Grizzly Saddle Hackle, Dyed Purple
Tail: Wooly Bugger Marabou, Black
Ribbing: Brassie Ultra Wire, Red