Fly Tying 1 min read
[Virtual Vise] Tying and Fishing Midges

Fly Fish Food held the first ever Virtual Vise fly tying session last week that was broadcast live on YouTube Events and Google Hangouts. It’s a pretty neat concept akin to an in-person fly tying class only held on the internet. As you will see folks can interact with each other and ask question just like you would in an in-person class (sort of).
In this first episode of Virtual Vise, host’s Curtis Fry and Clark (“Cheech”) Pierce cover the basic of what exactly a midge is, a bit about the midge life cycle and then demonstrate how to tie several patterns including: The Gut-bomb Bloodworm, Yong Special, Foamerger, Parachute Emerger, Bunny Midge and Peacock King.
It’s a long video (1.5 hours) but if you’ve got some time to spare and want to learn about midges and how to tie midge patterns it’s definitely worth it.